

Turning crusts into hides

We use only top grain leather in all of our leather production and can process full or corrected grain leather. All our product is low VOC.

After softening the raw crusts in our dry drums, they are taken to the embossing station, where one of our 25+ embossing patterns is applied. Our plates cover a wide range of patterns, from the well-recognized to the unique and hard-to-find.


spray finishing and sealing

After embossing, hides are taken to the spray line, where colors and finishes are applied. This process can be repeated multiple times to achieve more depth of color within the finish, and we also have spray booths to handle smaller orders and custom colors and finishes that can't be applied on the line.

After being sprayed, the hides pass under a series of heaters, beginning the curing process. Hides are then removed from the line and hung to cure for another 10-12 hours.


hand finishing

Once the leather has cured, it is moved to our hand tipping stations, where further color work is done.

Hand tipping enhances the appearance of the depth of the leather's grain, ensuring a beautiful and lasting finish. We do all of our tipping by hand, providing the quality and artisanal appearance that only a human can.

Once this work is completed, the hides are sent back to the drums, and then to the staker to be stretched and smoothed a final time. After this is complete, the leather is ready to be packed and shipped to you!